About JP

Hi, I’m JP.

Expert in Graphic Design and Creative Direction

Let me tell you a bit about myself.

I’m JP, a highly accomplished and versatile Creative Director hailing from the vibrant city of Amsterdam. With a remarkable journey spanning over two decades, my expertise in communication design has left an indelible mark on renowned brands across Germany and the United States.

Multicultural Creativity

My ability to thrive on alternative thinking and several environments is a reflection of my multicultural upbringing. Fluent in four languages—German, French, English, and Spanish—I bring a unique perspective to every project, enabling me to approach design challenges with creativity and adaptability.

Leadership and Transformative Initiatives

Throughout my career, I‘ve held key leadership roles, spearheading transformative initiatives that have shaped visual identities and commercial assets for prominent brands. From Handelsblatt to Continental, Dyson, Agua de México, and many more, my impact has recognition within the industry.

Commitment to Design

My professional passion lies at the intersection of brand design, editorial design, infographics, and activating communication. A true advocate for creativity fused with strategic thinking, I‘ve consistently delivered impactful designs. My commitment to sustainability ensures that every design decision I make not only has an immediate impact but stands the test of time in our fast evolving world.

Diverse Skill Set

With an extensive skill set, I specialize in brand design and visual identity, infographics, editorial design. As a seasoned Creative Director, my expertise extends to project management, consulting, and brand strategy. Leadership is not just a title but a commitment to optimization and my main focus has always been on enabling leadership, providing improvement towards sustainable productivity.

Professional Journey

In most recent role as a consulting Creative Director with Tarovines in Amsterdam, I‘ve crafted outstanding brand designs and visual identities for high-profile clients like Dyson, Storyboard, and Agua de México. My journey includes leadership roles Solutions by HMG and at Handelsblatt GmbH, where I pioneered the digital transformation and optimized workflows.

Tech Savvy and Creative Alchemy

Proficient in the Adobe Creative Cloud, Microsoft Office, Flourish, Figma, Shopify, and more, I seamlessly integrate creativity with technology. With a melting pot of knowledge, including my familiarity 3D Design and my affinity to coding, I bring a holistic approach to design, embracing both its artistic and technical dimensions. And my now dormant mastery of code such as Object Pascal and Flash still makes me a hybrid asset–a solid bridge between designers and developers.

Let‘s connect and play Mario Kart… or do some great work together!



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